Largados e Pelados (2013)
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Largados e Pelados é um reality norte-americano. Cada episódio apresenta dois sobreviventes — um homem e uma mulher — que se conhecem apenas no primeiro dia e lhes é dada a tarefa de sobreviver por 21 dias pelados em um ambiente de selva. Logo depois de se conhecerem, os sobreviventes seguem para um local designado onde terão que produzir ou encontrar água, alimento e abrigo a partir do que encontrarem na natureza Online
1 - No Rain, No Gain
Torrential downpours hammer the survivalists as soon as theyre dropped into the Georgia rainforest. Pushed by the weather, mountain lions, black bears and poisonous copperheads, the pair create a bond that leads to a life-changing decision.
1 - Twinning
In an unprecedented Naked and Afraid challenge, identical twin sisters Amber and Serena, as well as brothers Warren and Thomas, are dropped in the African savannah. They take on rhinos, hyenas and a territorial leopard stalking their camp.
1 - Naked Gets Weird
Surviving 21 days Naked in the wilderness leads to weird and awkward moments. From bizarre pre-challenge prep and mortifying naked intros, to night-time cuddling gone wrong and learning wildlife bathroom routines the hard way, Naked and Afraid gets weird
1 - Maldição De Chiapas
Two survivalists are stranded at sea and have to survive for 21 days with no food, water or clothes. They must put their skills to the test to overcome deadly sharks and heatstroke that threaten their survival.
1 - No Olho da Tempestade
Uma rebelde e um sargento aposentado são largados na selva de Belize logo após um furacão catastrófico, que ameaça todo o desafio.
1 - O Rei da Floresta
Um autoproclamado rei da floresta e uma atleta de resistência enfrentam um desafio no Alabama. Eles conseguem abrigo e fogo no primeiro dia, mas quando a fome aperta, um deles fará algo inédito.
1 - Os Esquecidos
Um ex-policial e uma mulher voluntariosa entram em conflito nas selvas do Panamá. Quando um deles sucumbe ao desafio, o outro precisa fazer armadilhas e até matar para garantir sua sobrevivência.
1 - Inferno no Pântano
Amber, uma instrutora do exército, e Ryan, um fuzileiro, são deixados nos pântanos da Flórida. Eles montam acampamento em uma área infestada de mosquitos, cobras venenosas e aligatores enormes.
1 - Namíbia
O homem da montanha Luke e a triatleta Lindsey são largados por 21 dias na paisagem seca e cheia de espinhos da Namíbia, na África.
1 - Curse of the Chiapas
A football coach and midwife attempt to overcome the curse of Chiapas, Mexico, a location so daunting that no survivalist has completed 21 days. But their radically different approaches to survival hurt their ability to endure.
1 - Baskets and Bullet Ants
All-stars Fernando and Dani land in a rainforest in Ecuador for their third challenge, where jaguars, caiman, anacondas and bullet ants are on the prowl; their divergent approaches to primitive survival might do them in.
1 - Category 5 Survival
A category five Hurricane blasts through the camp of Amal, an Iraqi war refugee now living in Iowa and her partner, Duke. In addition to the hurricane, the pair also endure venomous spiders, insects, and nocturnal predators in the swamps of Florida.
1 - Um Lugar Hostil
Dois especialistas em sobrevivência enfrentam o ambiente mais hostil do planeta e encaram a Amazônia sem conveniências modernas nem roupas. Será que eles vão sobreviver a piranhas, onças e mosquitos?
1 - A Maldição da Selva
Dois desconhecidos, Kim e Shane aceitam o desafio de passar 21 dias nus na chuvosa floresta tropical da Costa Rica, depois de o produtor do programa ter sido picado por uma cobra no local.
1 - Blood and Money
An ICU nurse and a banker attempt a 14-day fan challenge in the rugged Mexican jungle. But as food becomes scarce they question their will and skill to make it to the end.
1 - Welcome to America!
Two foreigners try to become the first survivalists to endure 21 days on U.S soil. But rattlesnakes, unfamiliar terrain and plummeting temperatures threaten to send them back across the pond.
2 - Mile-High Clubbed
The mile-high altitude of the Rockies tests two strangers ability to adapt.
2 - Little Person, Big Challenge
Underestimated his whole life, a survivalist with dwarfism tries to prove himself in the Amazon but struggles against predators and his partner.
2 - Mascada
An extreme athlete and a book smart bartender tackle an Ecuadorian cloud forest where it rains daily. Will their inability to know their own limits eventually get the best of them or will Mother Nature strike the final blow in this Naked and Afraid first?
2 - Congelados de Medo
Uma bióloga marinha e um veterano das Forças Especiais correm risco constante de hipotermia no Canadá. Além do frio, chuvas torrenciais, ursos e alces transformam cada noite em um pesadelo.
2 - Medo do Desconhecido
Conheça uma pessoa muito diferente, que tem medo do escuro e acredita na lenda do Pé Grande. Veja também o que uma mãe muito durona tem a dizer sobre as florestas e as ruínas maias de Belize, na América Central.
2 - Desafio na Selva
Christina e Steve tentam sobreviver às selvas de Quintana Roo, no México, durante 21 dias. A cada noite mal dormida e infestada de mosquitos, a tensão aumenta entre os dois.
2 - Ilha de Andros
Justin e Dani testam suas técnicas de sobrevivência na remota ilha de Andros, a maior do Triângulo das Bermudas. Os desafios são o terreno afiado como lâmina e os recursos limitados.
2 - Haunted and Hungry
A former Marine sniper and a Mississippi mom try to endure 21 days in a haunted Colombian swamp. But extreme humidity, insects and infection prove more difficult to endure than any legends.
2 - Two is a Crowd
Survivalist Lynsey copes with her lone-wolf partner Darvil in South Africa.
2 - A Screw Loose
In a haunted Mayan jungle, a painful injury tests the resolve of survivalists Leah and Caesar. Surviving is a struggle as they are faced with suffocating humidity, hungry predators, torrential rainfall, unrelenting insects and intoxicating fruit.
2 - Terror em Madagascar
Jeff e Eva tentam sobreviver durante 21 dias numa planície árida de Madagascar. Eles ficam limitados pela falta de recursos, por um calor escaldante durante o dia e por noites congelantes.
2 - Terror na Tanzânia
Os especialistas em sobrevivência EJ Snyder e Kellie Nightlinger são largados no Serengeti e precisam sobreviver por 21 dias sem comida, sem água e sem roupas, testando suas habilidades.
2 - City Slickers in the Wild
Two city slickers from the urban jungles of New York City see if they have what it takes to survive for 14 days in South Africa.
2 - No Holds Barred
Justin, a professional fighter, and Kami, a first responder attempt to survive the wetlands of Guyana.
2 - Frozen and Afraid
Dropped onto a frozen Alaskan Glacier, All-Star survivalists Laura Zerra and Steven Hall scramble to stave off frostbite and hypothermia. And 7,000 miles south, two new survivalists take on a sun-scorched Brazil island, with anaconda and deadly stingray.
2 - Assombrados e Famintos
A surfer from Hawaii and an ex-military take on the Texas countryside, surrounded by armadillo, bighorn sheep and vicious wild boar; as they battle starvation and face a potentially fatal flood, their skills get fully put to the test.
3 - The Devil;s Woods
The frigid Montana wilderness pushes the survivalists partnership over the edge. As they struggle to work together, wildlife including bears and aggressive moose circle their camp. Plummeting temperatures create the need for drastic action.
3 - Bahama Drama
In the Bahamas two fans face relentless insects and aggressive sharks during hurricane season.
3 - You;ve Got Another Sting Coming
On a sun-scorched Brazilian island, aggressive anaconda and deadly stingray torment survivalists Whitney and Nathan, pushing both of them to their breaking point. Working together they use their hunting and fishing skills to try and make it 21 days.
3 - Outro Tipo De Fazenda
Two complete strangers - man and woman- are left naked and stranded on a desert island.
3 - Estrelas Na Tempestade
Former Marine Tim, and Shannon, a stonemason take on armies of stinging red ants and bubbling mud volcanoes on the Caribbean island of Trinidad. Even with this daunting location working against them, their biggest struggle is actually each other.
3 - Inferno Tropical
Um treinador de cavalos homossexual e uma ansiosa instrutora de terapia natural enfrentam a floresta amazônica. A chuva constante e a falta de recursos fazem um participante atingir o seu limite.
3 - A Hora Mais Escura
O alpinista Joe e a ex-policial Andrea encaram as savanas da Namíbia, lar de predadores perigosos como os hipopótamos. Mas são os demônios internos de Andrea que ameaçam sua sobrevivência.
3 - Sacrifício Maia
Luke, um rapaz determinado da Califórnia, e Alyssa, uma instrutora de sobrevivência, tentam sobreviver ao litoral inóspito de Yucatán. Eles enfrentam a fome, a desidratação e até um jacaré.
3 - Camboja
Tom e Carrie se desentendem e enfrentam dias duros para sobreviver na floresta e nas águas infestadas por crocodilos do Camboja.
3 - The Death Ledge
Three young survivalists test their skills in the coastal rainforest of Ecuador, where they risk their lives scaling a massive rock cliff to forage for food.
3 - Swamp Queen
In the snake-filled Mississippi swamps, Gabrielle, a former fan survivalist takes on the full 21-day challenge. Gabrielle and Brian are faced with deadly snakes, unrelenting mosquitos, nocturnal predators and a relentless week-long thunderstorm.
3 - Paraíso Perdido
Alana e Keith são largados em uma ilha deserta de Fiji. Eles precisam conciliar suas personalidades fortes para lutar contra os elementos e tentar sobreviver a 21 dias no desafiador terreno tropical.
3 - Ilha Infernal
Dois sobreviventes Jonathan Klay e Alison Teal estão abandonados em uma ilha das Maldivas por 21 dias. A surfista e o ex-fuzileiro naval se chocam quando a insolação e a fome ameaçam sua sobrevivência enquanto tentam passar 21 dias nus e com medo.
3 - No Gear, No Fear
A professional backpacker and an experienced hunter attempt to survive 21 days without their high-end gear in a swampy Argentine savanna teeming with mosquitoes, aggressive bees and violent subtropical storms.
3 - Fallen Farmer
A transgender Vet and a South African farmer tackle the deadly bush of Zambia where territorial elephants, baboons and crocodiles threaten their every move.
4 - Two Tarzans, One Jane
When a third survivalist is added to the mix, romantic complications make surviving the Colombian jungles poisonous dart frogs and deadly jaguars much more complicated. Feeling left out, a survivalists emotional breakdown puts his challenge at risk
4 - No Safety In Numbers
Two pairs of survivalists are surprised when they must take on the deadly jungles of Panama side-by-side. But before their 21-day challenge begins, they have to re-think their survival strategies along gender lines.
4 - Salvando o Irmão
A mom and an adventure addict drop into the cloud forest of Ecuador; unbearably wet conditions, violent lightning, cabin fever, trench foot and finger-slicing machetes threaten to keep the pair from completing their 21-day challenge.
4 - Mordidas e Picadas
A survival instructor and a retiree of the armed forces are inserted into the volcano-ravaged island of Montserrat; they have different survival styles but find a way to work together, then one accident has an eruptive effect on both.
4 - Renascido das Cinzas
Uma estudante de biologia e um instrutor de sobrevivência formam dupla em um pântano da Croácia. Uma parceria forte é forjada para desbravar os elementos, mas tudo muda com um acidente.
4 - O Enxame
Um ex-militar e uma mãe enfrentam as selvas do Panamá. O ambiente inóspito é repleto de abelhas assassinas e insetos transmissores de doenças, e um deles pode se tornar a maior ameaça à dupla.
4 - À Beira da Loucura
Duas pessoas enfrentam condições infernais na savana equatorial da Guiana. Eles encaram uma série de dificuldades, como o calor extremo, problemas de saúde e uma grave deterioração psicológica.
4 - Nicarágua
Duas pessoas com conhecimento de técnicas de sobrevivência tentam sobreviver a uma floresta da Nicarágua. Elas enfrentam noites gélidas, uma grave desidratação e conflitos constantes.
4 - Forbidden Fruit
Terribly poisoned without food or water, in the arid and desolate, savannah region of Brazil, survivalists Gary and Karra will be tested unlike any other survivalists before them. Depleted and broken will either of them make it to Day 21?
4 - Alagados em Belize
Shannon e Cass tentam sobreviver à floresta alagada de Belize. Ameaçados por jiboias e bugios agressivos, eles ainda precisam se aventurar em um antigo sistema de cavernas maias com cobras e morcegos.
4 - Castigo no Panamá
Clint e Laura são largados pelados numa ilha do Panamá por 21 dias. Enfrentando mosquitos-palha, cobras e jacarés, a dupla precisa se unir e usar sua experiência para sobreviver num inferno tropical.
4 - A Shart at Redemption
After poisoning the water in her fan 14-day challenge, survivalist Ashley seeks redemption in Tobago with a new partner. But making it to 21 days in a rain-sodden jungle will push them beyond their limits.
4 - Bro, Hold My Fear
Four male survivalists who tapped in previous challenges seek redemption in South Africa. Humbled by their past failures, can they make it to 21 days and triumph as a tribe?
4 - Sibling Survival
After his brother is medically tapped, a South African sibling seeks redemtion in Zambia, paired with an endurance athlete from Louisiana. But vindication proves harder than expected.
4 - USA vs. World
Two teams of international survivalists attempt to endure in South Africa.
5 - Stars Against the Storm
All-Stars Wes and Suzänne take on Ecuadors relentless rainforest
5 - Naked and Ghosted
In a brutal Mexican jungle known to be haunted by Mayan spirits, All-star survivalists Sarah and Trent are tormented by rain, predators and spirits of the rainforest.
5 - Animais À Espreita
An Army vet and a newly married man grapple with gender norms as they take on the mountains of Croatia; extreme hunger and frigid temperatures force this unlikely pair to bond together, but a vicious storm threatens to rip them apart.
5 - Floresta Do Diabo
Two fans, a single mom and an optimistic novice, are selected to take on a special fourteen-day survival challenge on the coast of South Africa.
5 - Prova de Fogo
Uma atleta profissional e um pai de família enfrentam uma perigosa floresta em Belize, na qual onças, cobras venenosas, árvores caídas e tempestades ameaçam estremecer seu relacionamento.
5 - Tudo ou Nada
Um caçador encontra uma surfista em uma ilha deserta nas Filipinas. Sem um suprimento de água constante, eles ficam desidratados e passam a maior parte do tempo procurando uma fonte confiável.
5 - Argentina Impossível
Na sombra da cordilheira dos Andes, a floresta nublada de Yungas, na Argentina, representa uma ameaça constante para o instrutor de sobrevivência Tom e a pediatra Lisa.
5 - Island of Tears
Max and Bianca face off with aggressive caiman, boa constrictors, large spiders, and thorny mangroves in this Superfan challenge on a tropical island in Panama.
5 - Fogo na Montanha
Trenton e Jen tentam sobreviver nos picos de Udhampur, na Índia. Enfrentando noites geladas e um inesperado incêndio florestal, suas chances de sobreviver aos 21 dias do desafio começam a diminuir.
5 - Encharcados e Pelados
Fernando e Samantha estão prestes a descobrir por que a selva da Malásia é uma floresta tropical pluvial. Debaixo de muita chuva, eles lutarão contra hipotermia, fome e insetos.
5 - Coragem Bornéu
Puma Cabra e Julie Wright têm que sobreviver em Sabah, Bornéu por 21 dias. A selva é seu inimigo implacável enquanto lutam contra a doença, a fome e a vida selvagem, e todos testam sua determinação e determinação a cada passo do caminho.
5 - Odd Man Out
Three women attempt to survive 21 days in Zambia; when their fourth partner arrives unexpectedly, the all-female dynamic is shattered.
5 - Kalahari Cold Front
Jaclin, a paralegal, and Michael, a fishing boat captain, take on 21 days in the mighty Kalahari desert of South Africa, one of the largest stretches of sand in the world.
5 - Night Stalkers
A wilderness guide and a software engineer try to endure 21 days in the Botswana desert. But at night, their safety is threatened by roaming lions and aggressive elephants.
5 - Gag Me with a Turtle
Two fan survivalists are in over their head in brutal South Africa.
5 - Threesome
When a third survivalist crashes the challenge, tensions and jealousy are just as threatening as the piranha and jaguars of the Ecuadorian rainforest; 1,800 miles away, an Alaskan homesteader is punished by the 130-degree heat of the Mexican jungle.
6 - A Tangled Web in Texas
Tarantulas and desert heat test an adventurer and archaeologist in Texas.
6 - Close Encounters
Two strangers are dropped in one of the most dangerous African locations in the dead heat of Summer. Faced with aggressive hippos and charging elephants they quickly learn their place, but must mark their territory if they want to make it 21 Days.
6 - Baked Alaskan
A deadly spider bite puts Gwen, an Alaskan homesteader at risk of tapping but she works with her partner to get her revenge, in the 130-degree heat of the Mexican jungle.
6 - Armadilha De Areia
A California Buddhist and an Oregon fisherman test their skills against the unforgiving Australian outback, where harsh conditions, scarce food sources and saltwater crocodiles threaten their survival.
6 - Contaminação
Uma dona de casa e um caminhoneiro teimoso fazem de tudo para sobreviver em uma floresta filipina atingida por um tufão. Além das intempéries, eles precisam enfrentar doenças e fome e, para isso, acabam contando com a ajuda de um gambá.
6 - A Ilha
Duas pessoas são deixadas em uma ilha deserta em Dominica, mas suas condições inóspitas levam um dos participantes a desistir, obrigando o outro a enfrentar o desafio sozinho.
6 - Thieves in the Night
One survivalist falls into a roaring fire after weeks of depleted energy due to no food. With just days to go, the pair makes a daring plan for how to survive...but will it cost them the challenge?
6 - O Senhor dos Ratos
Uma mãe workaholic e um homem solitário tentam sobreviver durante três semanas na Tailândia. Disputando comida com ratos e macacos, eles lutam diariamente não só para sobreviver, mas para se entender.
6 - Bolívia Implacável
Vince e Sabrina ficam largados e pelados no coração da América do Sul, para lutar contra os elementos complexos da implacável selva boliviana.
6 - Perigo no Rio
Billy e Ky aceitam o desafio de passar 21 dias sem roupas em um pântano da Louisiana. Eles precisam encarar tempestades, cobras mortais e aligatores para chegar ao fim do desafio.
6 - Sucker Punched in South Africa
Heather, a pro-angler from Texas, Sean, son to the late astronaut, William McCool, and Dallas, a reformed ex-con, take on 21 days in the searing heat of Limpokwena, South Africa.
6 - Next Gen Survival
For the first time, two young adult kids of veteran survivalists try to prove they are as good as their parents when they take on 21-days in a dense Mexican rainforest where they face pumas, jaguars, and deadly fer de lance snakes.
6 - Buffalo Bait
Não temos sinopse em Português. Ajude-nos a ampliar a nossa base de dados adicionando uma.
6 - Desconectados em Belize
Longe da civilização, essa dupla conseguirá sobreviver às selvas de Belize?
7 - In Too Deep
On the edge of the Bermuda Triangle, an Army veteran dive master and a Cajun boat captain take on relentless thunderstorms and battle dehydration as they try navigate more than 20 miles of open ocean in the ultimate test of sink or swim.
7 - Não Há Ganho Sem Chuva
An ex-marine and a perky Southern girl face constant downpours, cabin fever, threats from predators, lack of sleep and extreme hunger in the Panamanian Jungle.
7 - Custe o que Custar
Um militar de elite se junta a uma mãe solteira e os dois enfrentam chuvas torrenciais, enchentes e doenças na Tailândia. É uma corrida contra o tempo, e a dupla tem de colocar suas habilidades à prova antes que o rio os deixe isolados da equipe.
7 - Inferno no Himalaia
Duas pessoas tentam sobreviver durante 21 dias a todas as intempéries e perigos das montanhas do Himalaia. Depois de sofrer uma desidratação severa, uma delas adoece e ameaça a sobrevivência da dupla.
7 - Love At First Fight
Instant attraction gives way to unforgiving conditions on a Nicaraguan island teeming with bull sharks and big cats. As the struggle to survive hits a low point a brutal flood threatens to wipe out the camp and all chances of survival.
7 - Resentment, Rain, and Rivers
A group of three struggles with their team dynamics; torrential rains and large cats threaten a duo deep in the jungles of Ecuador. A single mother and a special ops veteran battle the Sai Rung River Valley in Thailand.
7 - Conflito na Colômbia
Charlie Frattini, um ex-fuzileiro naval, e Danielle Beauchemin, vegetariana que ama a natureza, tentam sobreviver por 21 dias no rio Mendihuaca, na selva colombiana.
7 - Taste of Their Own Medicine
Two Naked and Afraid crew members try their hand at surviving in the wild.
7 - Valley of the Leopards
Fan survivalist Matt, notorious for his former partner sharting in their water source, teams up with environmentalist, Kerra, to take on 21-days in Zambia. Dropped in a valley teaming with leopards, will he have another environmental disaster?
7 - Stomping Grounds
Elite survivalists Matt Wright and Gary Golding are tested by deadly spitting cobras and territorial elephants in an African killing zone. But Matt and Gary arent alone each must protect a novice survivalist from the threats surrounding them.
7 - Bares All
All cast (and their family) return with insight and reveal never-before-seen footage from the addictive new show, promising to strip itself down and expose everything you couldnt see before.
8 - Monkey Business
An Australian bushman and an American biologist form an intimate bond as they take on the Namibian desert together. The relationship grows as they search for scarce food along a thin stretch of raging river whole territorial baboons track them at every turn.
8 - Blood, Sweat And Fears
Two survivalists gets frustrated while trying to navigate the flooded jungles of Belize; the man-and-woman team faces a maze of poisonous snakes and rabid bat infested caves, all in the name of conquering their fears.
8 - Bite Club
A survivor of rattlesnake, shark and bear attacks teams with Brooke, wife of “Naked and Afraid” veteran Matt Wright, in a vicious African feeding ground. Then, a haunted Colombian jungle tests survivalists with threats from predators and the supernatural.
8 - Na Altitude
A survivalist and an Air Force veteran try to survive in the swamps of Louisiana, but there is trouble in the partnership.
8 - Perigo Iminente
Uma mãe resiliente de Washington faz par com um adorador de aranhas na remota floresta Seminole, na Flórida. Eles ficam apavorados com os aligatores enormes e com ursos-negros de 250 kg.
8 - Selvas da Nicarágua
Duas pessoas tentam sobreviver durante 21 dias nas selvas da Nicarágua contando apenas com um facão e um rolo de fita adesiva. Depois de um conflito inicial, um deles terá de passar 16 dias sozinho.
8 - Burnt To A Crisp
Tormented by hostile crocodiles, territorial howler monkeys and no tree canopy to protect them from the sun in this post-hurricane Nicaraguan jungle, one survivalist suffers third-degree sunburn while the others life is threatened by a mysterious illness
8 - Jardim do Mal
Um veterano da Marinha e uma mãe militar enfrentam as condições hostis de Cayo Venado, no México. Uma onça-preta, uma planta venenosa ao toque e uma semana de chuvas geladas testam seus limites.
8 - Double Jeopardy
Two pairs of strangers, dropped on opposite ends of the remote Panamanian rainforest, eventually meet and must work together to conquer the Everest of extreme survival challenges.
8 - Beauty and the Beasties
An expert bow-hunter and Air Force Vet hope to survive in deadly Zambia.
8 - Opposites Don;t Attract
A wilderness EMT and a hard-headed homesteader try to survive in a coastal Colombian jungle. But when their priorities clash, their partnership becomes volatile.
9 - The Spirits Are Angry
A haunted Colombian rain forest punishes the survivalists with threats from deadly jaguars, 300 species of snakes and relentless biting insects. But their challenge is threatened when they dont heed the curse of the jungle.
9 - Teia Do Texas
Jeremy and Melanie continue their challenge in the haunted swamps of Louisiana, enduring threats from predators as they search for food.
9 - Melt Down Under
An adventure guide and a veteran take on Australias Outback and face brutal terrain, freezing temperatures and lack of sleep. However, their greatest danger may be each other when cultural differences cause tempers to flare.
9 - Sobrevivência em Botsuana
Um banqueiro e uma garçonete viajam para a África para testar suas técnicas de sobrevivência. Eles enfrentam o calor intenso e água contaminada por fezes de animais.
9 - Loaded for Bear
Surrounded by aggressive and territorial black bears day and night, two survivalists must compete against the apex predators for resources in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee.
9 - Estrada da Redenção
AK, uma antiga participante, volta para tentar se redimir. Jason se junta a ela para enfrentar a selva da Guiana, mas os dois têm prioridades diferentes, e a fome faz a tensão aumentar.
9 - Love Thy Neighbor ... or Not
Omar and Raven attempt a 14 day fan challenge in Colombia, discovering whats worse: relentless mosquitos or personality conflicts?
9 - Legends and Rookies
Legend survivalists Max and Rylie are dropped in the South African bush with two novice fans to try and survive 21 days with spitting cobras, aggressive warthogs, rhinos and leopards.
9 - Trying To Deal With The Devil
Deep in Mexicos Baja desert lies the scorching wasteland of the Devils Canyon. A Canadian mountain man teams up with an experienced homesteader to take on the canyons triple-digit heat, scarce water, and venomous predators
10 - Biting Back at Africa
In a unique four-person challenge, a lion attack survivor returns to Africa to face her fears. Surrounded by lions, crocodiles and cape buffalo, the tribe of four struggles against constant threats and each other as they try to survive in a kill zone
10 - Naked and Haunted
Survivalists expect to struggle against the natural threats for 21 days but when they also face supernatural phenomena – haunted locations, ancient curses and evil spirits – their resolve is tested both physically and mentally.
10 - Quarteto
A survival-savvy yoga teacher and a custom knife maker tackle the brutal jungle of Colombia. Their primitive survival skills are impressive, but the deadly spiders and tics test both their courage and resilience, threatening to take them down.
10 - O Confronto
Um especialista em sobrevivência autodidata e uma mulher impulsiva encaram a Nicarágua. O ambiente conta com vários predadores, mas a maior ameaça aos participantes acaba sendo eles mesmos.
10 - Desafio na Guiana
Uma mãe de três crianças e um militar de elite são deixados nos pântanos da Guiana. Moscas-da-areia, cobras venenosas e jacarés à espreita apresentam grandes desafios para essa dupla improvável.
10 - Pick Your Poison
Swarming wasps, deadly anacondas, poisonous toads and venomous stingrays surround the survivalists in sun-scorched Brazil. Just days into their challenge, a standoff with a poisonous Fer-de-lance snake threatens to send both survivalists home.
10 - Dunas do Desespero
Matt e Honora, companheiros de sobrevivência, são jogados nas dunas de areia desoladas e queimadas pelo sol do Brasil. Nessa paisagem sombria de areia branca ofuscante, eles combatem a fome, a desidratação e, finalmente, um ao outro.
10 - Not Today, Satan
The punishing desert hellscape of Baja, California threatens to take out two more survivalists in this location redemption challenge.
10 - Battle of the Sexes
Two women and two men face off in South Africa to see who can survive 21 days. Pursued by leopards, lions, and hyenas, who will tap first — the men or the women?
11 - Dor e Superação
Uma aventureira e um instrutor de sobrevivência são largados na floresta de Honduras. Eles superam tempestades e noites frias, mas um encontro apavorante com uma cobra mortal deixa a dupla no limite.
11 - Trouble in Paradise
Torrential downpours and brutal wind storms push two starving survivalists to their breaking points in the Honduran jungle.
11 - Deserto Impiedoso
A former military man and an optimistic naturalist face humidity, violent storms, caiman, and red-bellied piranha in the Amazon jungle.
11 - Sorte de Principiante
Dois fãs do programa ganham a chance de participar de um desafio especial de 14 dias: uma jovem mãe e um aventureiro tentam sobreviver às florestas da Nicarágua.
11 - Cry for Me, Argentina
Rachel, a survivalist from Naked and Afraid of Love and Naim, an outdoorsman from Colorado, take on 21 days in the rugged wilderness of Argentina. But freezing nighttime temperatures might push the pair to their limits.
11 - Abandoned Village
Two survivalists try to endure 21 days in the wreckage of an abandoned village in Botswanas Okavango Delta, where aggressive hippos have claimed the territory.
11 - Shaken and Very Stirred
A powerful earthquake in the Philippine jungle rattles a thrill-seeking chef and a competitive hockey mom, but the territorial monkeys, rainstorms, lack of food, and dehydration lead to a disastrous face-first fall.
12 - Amazoned Out
Superfans Molly and Nate are dropped deep in the Amazon rainforest, a place thats taken down the best of the best; they lean on lessons learned from their couches to push through torrential rain, relentless bugs, and extreme sleep deprivation.
12 - Swamp Don;t Care
All-Star survivalists Jake Nodar and Melissa Miller take on the punishingBlackwater Swampin Florida, which teems with poisonous snakes and aggressive alligators. When one of the survivalists becomes disorientated, local authorities are called in to conduct an all-out search.
12 - Fan Down
A freak injury puts super-fan survivalists Maci and Justin at risk as they attempt to survive the treacherous Nicaraguan jungle for 14 days.
12 - 23 Dias
O alpinista Luke e a triatleta Lindsay são a dupla participante da vez. E seu desafio será intenso: eles são largados sem água, sem comida e sem abrigo na Namíbia e precisam fazer de tudo para sobreviver nesse ambiente por 21 dias.
13 - Ring of Fire
In the frigid mountains of Bulgaria, wolves circle a successful fan survivalist trying to conquer the 21-day challenge. Large fires are their defense against predators and hypothermia until the flames fan out of control and become the biggest threat.
13 - Naked and Afraid of Sharks
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13 - Lost in Translation
Language barriers stand between two survivalists in the South African bush.
13 - What the Duck
Two fan survivalists are dropped on a Mexican island filled with venomous coral snakes, territorial jaguars, blood-sucking chiquistas and a duck named Henry that they desperately want to eat for dinner.
14 - 21 Miles, 21 Days
In a lethal African hunting ground, a biker chick and a taxidermist have to stay on the move to survive. The pair must push across 21 miles of savannah to find food and water while avoiding a pride of lions thats tracking them every step of the way.
14 - Blindsided
A dangerous burn and clashing survival strategies plague survivalists Angela and Steven in the jungles of Panama.
14 - For Better Or A lot Worse
The first couple to ever take on the 21-day challenge tests themselves and their relationship as they take on the Guyana jungle. They must work together to battle jaguars, anacondas, caiman, and more than two-million species of insects.
15 - Honeymoon From Hell
A married couple goes from watching the challenge from their couch in Idaho to taking it on in the perilous Philippine jungle. Torrential rain, relentless bugs and deadly boars put their survival skills -- and their marriage to the ultimate test.
15 - Don;t Let the Jungle Bugs Bite
Avoiding the dangers of a rushing river, two survivalists brave a vast cave system in the Colombian rainforest; trying to survive 21 days, the jungle tests them with threats including venomous fer-de-lance snakes, piranhas and biting insects.
15 - Fire and Fury
Stalked by aggressive leopards and unable to get fire for protection, two survivalists fight the elements and each other as they look for double redemption on a predator-filled plain in South Africa.
16 - Don;t Cave In
In the relentless Colombian jungle, a mom and National Guard vet teams with a firefighter. Violent storms and hypothermic conditions force them to huddle in bat-infested caves. A special bond develops between a survivalist and a wild monkey.
16 - Meltdown on the Mountain
Dropped into a high-altitude jungle in Colombia, Tommy and Leah face territorial Pumas and venomous fer-de-lance snakes, but the biggest threat is the extreme temperature changes, where highs hit nearly 100 degrees and lows plummet into the 40s.
17 - Snow Daze
In the frozen American Rockies, snow storms and freezing temperatures force the survivalists to make risky choices with their fire and food sources. An out of control blaze and toxic mushrooms put their challenge and safety at risk.
17 - Just Kidding
Being naked in the jungle with a complete stranger can lead to funny moments, and laughter can be a critical skill when trying to survive through blood, sweat, tears, snake bites, burns, and rashes in hard to reach places.
18 - Honduran Hell
In the mountainous rainforest of Honduras, a survivalist with an unusual past is paired with a hard-headed police detective to try and survive 21 days, but predatory jaguars, swarms of fire ants and a debilitating injury threaten their challenge.
18 - 18
Dois sobreviventes sao deixado na floresta mexicana,mas chuvas torrenciais,tecnicas de sobrevivencia conflitantes e um acidente com facao ameça ameça encerrar a aventura antes do tempo
19 - Stalked on the Savannah (Part 1)
In sun-scorched Brazil, survivalists Wes and Jesse try to complete their 21-day challenge, but a jaguar crossing into their camp puts them on high alert. Starvation forces Jesse to attack a beehive in search of honey and the entire colony retaliates.
20 - Stalked On The Savannah (Part 2)
In sun-scorched Brazil, survivalists Wes and Jesse try to complete their 21-day challenge, but a jaguar crossing into their camp puts them on high alert. Starvation forces Jesse to attack a beehive in search of honey and the entire colony retaliates.
20 - 20
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21 - Feel The Burn
Dropped into Guyanas scorching savannah, two Naked and Afraid superfans fight the oppressive heat and constant insect attacks. Scorching temperatures lead to severe dehydration and force a desperate fan to risk illness by drinking unsanitary fluids.
21 - 21
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22 - 22
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25 - item:{("en-us":"Snow Daze")}
item:{("en-us":"In the frozen American Rockies, snow storms and freezing temperatures force the survivalists to make risky choices with their fire and food sources. An out of control blaze and toxic mushrooms put their challenge and safety at risk.")}
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